Author: Hardik Kumar
The Game of Shadow Testing: The Core of Test Generation
What is Shadow Testing? The term "Shadow Testing" has become necessary for tech companies nowadays as they have to keep their customers their priority. Rather than testing new features directly on all customers and then making adjustments based on their feedback, companies choose to first test these features on a small group of users. This…
The Rise of Web Connectivity: A History of APIs and Innovation
Introduction The term "Application Program Interface" first appeared in a paper called Data structures and techniques for remote computer graphics presented at an AFIPS (American Federation of Information Processing Societies) conference in 1968. It was used to describe the interaction of an application with the rest of the computer system. The Origins of APIs In…
Understanding the components of APIs
Before I start to bore you with some technical terms of an API, I would highly recommend getting a deep understanding of APIs. So, Let’s go for components of APIs. To help you out with that, do read the blog about the Basics of APIs. It’s a 6min read written in simple English so it…
What is an API and My learnings with them
As a beginner, the term "API" sounded really difficult to me. But today, whenever building a full-fledged application with my team, I always think about what APIs would be needed for the application. I also get annoyed if I don’t get proper documentation of those APIs. As a beginner, I was able to understand the…