Author: Sarthak Shyngle

  • How to Test Traffic with a Custom Kubernetes Controller

    How to Test Traffic with a Custom Kubernetes Controller

    K8s controllers and operators In k8s world every resource created via controller. Like there are inbuilt controllers for pods, deployments , replica set etc. So basically, Controllers are nothing but a control loop that continuously monitor the state of the cluster and take actions to bring the cluster into the desired state. The resources have…


  • Integration vs E2E Testing: What worked for me as a charm

    Integration vs E2E Testing: What worked for me as a charm

    When it comes to testing software applications, various testing techniques can be employed. Three common testing methods are unit testing, integration testing and end-to-end testing. All these different kinds of testing overlap, so you just can’t implement one or two forms of testing and you will be good. Like if you are in the initial…

