Tag: wireshark

  • What is Postgres Wire Protocol

    What is Postgres Wire Protocol

    Databases are the backbone of modern applications, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of data. But have you ever wondered why databases like PostgreSQL don’t simply use HTTP for communication? The answer lies in the specialized nature of database protocols. The PostgreSQL wire protocol is specifically designed to handle complex database tasks such as transactions, secure…


  • Decoding HTTP/2 Traffic is Hard, but eBPF can help

    Decoding HTTP/2 Traffic is Hard, but eBPF can help

    I’ve come across a particular challenge that many of us face: decoding HTTP/2 traffic. In this blog, I’ll share insights on why decoding HTTP/2 headers can be tricky, how HPACK adds a layer of complexity, and most importantly, how eBPF uprobes can come to the rescue. It is crucial to gain visibility into the messages…

